World opens up for New Zealand School of Tourism students

18 May 2021World opens up for New Zealand School of Tourism students

Two Waikato tourism students are USA bound after scoring an international internship as part of their study at the New Zealand School of Tourism (NZST).

Tiona Peacock and Michelle Burt will be working at The Broadmoor in Colorado, a AAA Five-Diamond and Forbes Five-Star resort in Colorado.

The NZST students studying at the Hamilton campus will be the first to travel overseas for work experience since the pandemic shut down international travel about 18 months ago.

Jessica Wilson, Campus Manager at NZST Hamilton says she is thrilled to see her students take their skills to the world once again.

“We have such an engaged and vibrant group of tourism students who I know will shine overseas with the skills they have learnt, and of course having the much sought after can-do Kiwi attitude!”

The 12 month international internship will see Tiona and Michelle work in guest agent roles at the prestigious resort, unparalleled to anything seen in New Zealand.

Since opening its doors a hundred years ago, the iconic resort offers guests an incredible way to experience the unique beauty of the American West. It is home to 17 restaurants, cafes and lounges, legendary golf, a world-renowned tennis program, 19 distinctive retail outlets on the main campus, and an array of resort programs. All of this makes it known as “the most unique resort in the world”.

The students are filling two of the 100 internships The Broadmoor is offering to our tourism students this year. More groups of NZST students are set to leave for The Broadmoor in the coming months.

Both Tiona and Michelle are excited about the revival of international tourism opportunities for students like themselves, and for the chance to build their confidence at a renowned tourism establishment like The Broadmoor.

“I’m just super excited to get over there and start working. It’s an insane opportunity that you can’t pass over especially in a COVID world, where going anywhere internationally is difficult. When this opportunity came up for me, it was a no-brainer to go for it,” says Tiona.

For Michelle, she says working in a hotel like The Broadmoor has been a lifelong goal.

“The Broadmoor is the equivalent to a 7 Star Hotel here in New Zealand! So, the experience gained working here really can set you up to work anywhere – the level of training is world class.”

Beyond being excited about the international travel and work experience ahead of them, both Tiona and Michelle are feeling optimistic about the future of the tourism industry.

“I’ve had some work experience in Queenstown which was a great experience, but I thought New Zealand experience might be it for me in terms of work opportunities in the years ahead. Now having this incredible international opportunity, I’m so excited about what is ahead for me,” says Tiona.

“I’m also really grateful for the highly transferable skills and experience I’ve gained through studying at NZST. My original goal was to be a flight attendant but when COVID hit I changed my focus to be on working in the broader tourism industry. Studying tourism really can take you anywhere!”

Michelle she is looking forward to the opportunity of growing her confidence personally and professionally.

“I can be quite introverted and shy, so I see this as a brilliant opportunity to push myself to get out there and grow, and work towards my future goal of working in the hotel industry in a management role.”

Following the completion of their work experience, the students will have the chance to travel around America for 30 days with New York and Walk Disney World on the hit list of things to do.

The internship placement process has been managed by International Working Holidays.

Find out how NZST can take you to places like Broadmoor Resort in Colarado. Get in touch today!






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